Dawg; it's easy rev. 7;4 says the 144000 are from the 12 tribes of isreal. 12000 from each tribe. these 144000 are already sealed some at least 2000 years ago./ if not 1000's of years earlier. this verse has nothing to do with jn 6 rev. 7;4 is clear. there is no room for anyone in the 144000 that is not from the original 12 tribes and the 12 tribes have changed over the old testament. still there is no room for non jews. and no GB member is a JEW. IF the jw's try the spritual jew's line. just use ZEP 3:13 REMAMENT OF ISREAL WILL HAVE NO FALSE HOOD IN THier words and speak no lies. this verse is a check mate with jw's if you know how to use it... good luck john
johnny cip
JoinedPosts by johnny cip
Cousin agrees, Questioning the FADS isn't wrong...now he wants more.
by dawg inok, so all of you know about my letter writing campaign; i've had several break throughs and just as many disappointments... about what i expected.
i'd say the response to my letters has been 50/50.. so, the last few weeks, i've been recieveing e-mail replies from one of my cousins.
he conseedes the fact that it isn't "apostacy" to question the fads.... this after much coaching on my part.. but i gave him three things to look into, one was why it is apostacy in this dumb assesd religion to question the men in the gb.
My First Witness to a Witness
by Cold Creek Swimmer inso, i don't start many topics here, but i felt this needed to be shared.
i had just landed at the airport and was walking out of the concourse when i noticed a stand that had been set up by an obviously married older witness couple.
they were very patiently waiting behind their counter covered with the latest publications.
johnny cip
excellent job. you did great. you cut them off at the right times, you turned their world UPSIDE DOWN and they know it.
E-mail sent to JW family member
by dawg inits long but worth the read.. .
no man wants a fight, i'm in good health, but i don't want problems i want solutions.
yet, if someone/something causes someone you love harm, then we all have an obligation to speak out.
johnny cip
Dawg: your doing great with john 6 i like to start at about verse 49 and go all the way to vs. 70. and i do it real slow. keep pointing out anyone that does not eat has no life. I kepp going back to where it says ANYONE AND EAT AND HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. ANYONE. I love to use rev. 7 also and ask very loudly where the hell does rev. 7 say only the 144000 are to eaqt the bread and wine. then I ask them what TRIBE OF ISREAL THE GB ARE FROM. I PRESS THIS TO TRHE MAX. I ALSO USE A RED letter bible when reading john 6 and make a big POINT THAT THE RED LETTERS IS WHEN JESUS IS TALKING. JESUS CLEARLY SAYS ANYONE CAN EAT THE BREAD AND HAVE LIFE... THEN I ask the jw's very sternly " who the hell you going to believe JESUS OR THE WTS. I make a big deal that PEOPLE THAT WORSHIP SATAN " SATANISTS" at their black masses, make a big deal putting the bread and wine on a plate and all reject jesus. as proof they worship satan. just like the jw's do. asw far is 1914 goes I use MATT; 28 VS 18-20 TO SHOW JESUS HAD KINGDOM POWER SINCE 2000 YEARS AGO. they can't get out of it. keep up the good work. john
Hall Build Plans and tithing (is this common?)
by Burger Time inmy brother called me today and said last night at the meeting there was a talk about building a new hall.
they went over the 3% interest on the loan and all that jazz.
then they passed out contracts to individual congregation members.
johnny cip
Burger time; seems your brother see's the wt for the HYPOCRITES THAT THEY ARE when it comes to $$$$$$$$$. 3% for them ,but nothing for you poor dope peddlers. what the hell about all the $$$$$$$$$$$ jw's have been donating to build halls? where the hell is all that $$$$$$$. SCAM , CON ARTIST if i ever heard of one. keep on this topic with your brother , as this is what he seems to understand. johnny
Elder asks me why we quit... (Long)
by Odrade inin this thread i mentioned having a long chat with an elder last summer.
i didn't realize i had never posted the story, so here it is.. last summer (when i went to buy my new camera lens) i ran into one of my favorite jws at the photography shop.
he was buying a camera bag for his new dslr, and i saw him, went up and greeted him, hugged him.
johnny cip
Odrade; very nice I enjoyed reading every word. the best part is that you kept calling his bluff. he was losing every point and DEEP INSIDE he knew he was taking a a$$ whipping. All it takes is some accurate knowledge and nerve and the jw's can't hang long... john
johnny cip
I watched obama on t.v. a number of times . and he talks and says nothing , just LIKE hillery clinton. blab,blab blab. and say nothing REAL, He can't get elected, and being black is a big part of it. Plus he has no real message. white america will not vote for him against a white man. i fact he can't even beat hillary and she will not be the next president either. just the name BARAK OBAMA is a turn off to main stream americans. see the light. this guy is going no where fast. this is just a set up to keep black america happy... john
Tenesee Baby JW Gets Blood Products - Parents go to court.
by Gerard inhttp://www.ashlandcitytimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?aid=/20071227/news07/712270374/1291/mtcn01.
thursday, 12/27/07.
faith, medicine collide in life-threatening casevu gets court order to use blood for baby of jehovah's witnesses.
johnny cip
it seems like a read at least one story every week about jw's dying or a court order for blood transfusions. I just wondering when the COURTS will put a stop to all the nonsense?
Call to Blondie, Minimus, all other WT date fact finders........
by WingCommander in1879 - will be resurrected.
will not be resurrected.
1965 - will be resurrected.
johnny cip
http://freeminds.org/history/part1.htm is about the best place to start. hope you have lots of ink in your printer.. just about anything off the FREEMINDS PROPHECY PAGE WILL give you more than any one could read in months. all rotten spritual food the wts now tries to hide. john
Pre-Flood ages based upon different calendar?
by Inquisitor inthere is almost a whisper somewhere on the net that the reason ancient patriach's like noah, enoch, methuselah lived so long is because of a gross miscalculation.
their ages were based upon a calendar that was a lot shorter than ours, hence their years could be twice as long.
i've been looking up for reading material but could only come up with flared-nostril apologetics; fundies insisting on the literalism of the scriptures.. this reasoning about an alternate calendar is conceivably the work of christians who read the bible metaphorically/symbolically, not goat-sacrificing atheists.
johnny cip
OK my guess at how these people lived 900 years. is that they were counting full Moons. not 365 day years. take 960 full moons and divide by 13 per year . and you get 73. years old. jews are know for counting full moons. it how the old jewish calander works. it's pretty simple.
Part 2:The Elders Return, Made Decision To Disfellowship Us On Grounds Of..
by Lady Liberty indear friends.... "happy tuesday!
" well the saga continues!
i thought we had seen the last of the elders last friday night as most have you are familiar with the story.
johnny cip
LL GREAT WORK. I learned a long time ago jw's hate to LOSE an arguement. In fact they are conditioned to believe they can't lose and have an answer for everything. you turned thier world UP-SIDE DOWN. Just with your questions about 607. I loved how you told them about how the wts straight out lied about that historian about 607 b.c. AND YOU HAVE THE proof to back it up. Truste they heard you very CLEARLY. and know dam well they can't back up 607. it's always great to keep asking what RESEARCH HAVE YOU DONETO PROVE THESE WT TEACHING TRUE? THis is were you win every arguement. they have done next to no research. and I hold them to that . I tell them straight out your not qualified to tell me shit. since you never really tested it for your self... I say you should keep working them as long as you want. they can't handle your KNOWLEDGE, and they know it. make them pay for tieir stupidity... john